A Quick Guide to the Best Computer Tablets for Seniors

If you have been out on the market looking for a gift for your elderly friend or relative and browsing the features offered by the best computer tablets for seniors, but you feel overwhelmed by the selection, here are a few things that you should know about tablet.

What is a Tablet?

A tablet is a cross between a desktop computer, a notebook and a smartphone that combines the best features of the three:

  • It has huge computing power,
  • It is comfortably sized for being portable without compromising screen viewing experience,
  • It is suitable for entertainment and communication purposes, but document creation is just as easy and comfortable,
  • It uses a reliable operating system and a straightforward, user-friendly interface,
  • It is affordable – the tablet market is so large and varied nowadays that there is a
  • tablet for every budget,
  • It is very safe – tablets do not come with the full range of functions of desktop computers or notebooks, therefore they are less likely to be affected by viruses,
  • Long battery life – tablets use batteries that are able to run more on one charge than a laptop or even a phone, so they are perfect for watching movies and for being carried around all day long without access to a power supply,
  • Insurance coverage – many tablets nowadays include theft and damage insurance coverage into the buying price to make usage even more comfortable and problem-free.

Why a Tablet is the Perfect Gift for Seniors

Easy usage, portability and versatility are three of the most important benefits that make tablets perfect for elderly users.

Average tablets use simple touchscreens with large, self-explanatory buttons, but the units designed for seniors take simplicity one step further, with even fewer buttons, what’s more, many of them come with instruction videos that teach the user about every function.

Tablets are designed to be carried around, portability being another feature that seniors can benefit from. With a suitable tablet, your elderly relatives can watch their favorite movies, talk to others, take pictures and videos, play games, read books or newspapers wherever they are, whenever they feel like – at home, in the park, on the porch.

The tablets for seniors also feature great audio, video and communication features to meet special requirements, so do the ipad for Seniors.  The screens yield great, high-resolution images, the speakers deliver crisp sound and the interface includes direct access to social networking features and communication apps, allowing seniors to connect with friends and family with a single touch of a button.

Other Features

Many tablets designed especially for seniors have inbuilt functions that make the life of the elderly safer as well. Some units come with medication alert, reminders about medical and other important appointments and other features that are useful for senior users and for their family as well.

Affordability, versatility, reliability, simple usage, great image and sound – these are the features that make the best computer tablets for seniors, so if you want your elderly parent to enjoy your gift to the fullest, look for these qualities with your purchase.